Thrashing 1.5m x 0.5m


“Thrashing” (FOR SALE)

A visceral moment captured with acrylic on canvas (1.5m x 0.5m) depicting a Nile crocodile thrashing – whether in defence or in attack – in the river water. I wanted to capture the speed and chaos of a croc reacting to the viewer's intrusion on their domain.

For more information or pricing requests: art [at] embleton [dot] co [dot] za

Thrashing (1.5 x 0.5m) Acrylic on Canvas

Stephen Embleton

Reptilian eye

Back and tail detail



The Process:

Plain canvas – no gesso this time

First pass at the green acrylic wash

Adding yellow ochre

Dried background

Masked the tail (bottom middle) and added pencil guides

White pencil highlight guides



Mid tones

More detail

Additional water

Signature and croc face detail

For more information or pricing requests: art [at] embleton [dot] co [dot] za

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