Sanlam Personal Web Site Awards (1998)

Sanlam Personal Web Site Awards Category Winner – Philosophy (Graphic Design) In 1997/1998 I entered my personal design website into the Sanlam Personal Web Site Awards and managed to win in the category of "Philosophy". The site was my personal website which I used to learn html as well as experiment with the world of the internet. I was supported by my colleagues at Armadillo Interactive and asked for their engineering help when needed. But overall, it was a space to experiment and let loose. I was flown up on the Saturday for the receiving of prizes and my first ever live web broadcast interview. The cameraman was dropping his hand in a "slow down" gesture because I was firing at a mile a minute because I was so nervous. I flew into Joburg (no luggage) in the morning, was taken to the two/three story building in Yeoville. And by the late afternoon I was back in Durban. Best experience! "The only site that pushes the medium itself." Salam .net Personal ...