River Crossing 1.2m x 0.9m


“River Crossing” (FOR SALE)

River Crossing (1.2 x 0.9m) Acrylic on Canvas

A dramatic scene with acrylic on canvas (1.2m x 1m) depicting a wildebeest leaping into the treacherous waters of the Mara River while two other animals look on apprehensively. These waters are usually inhabited by hungry Nile crocodiles waiting for food as the migrating wildebeest and zebra make their way to the lush plains of the Serengeti.

For more information or pricing requests: art [at] embleton [dot] co [dot] za


During the Exhibition at The Gallery in Balitto, "River Crossing" was featured in the March edition of Explore Ilembe mag's article on The Gallery.

"River Crossing" at The Gallery March 2021

Stephen Embleton






The Process:

Textured Gesso Base

First pass at the acrylic colour wash

Acrylic colour wash drying

Weapons of choice (R10 spray bottles)

Beginning the pencil work

River colour wash and highlights on the animals

"Guide" Shadow detail on the animals

Guide shadows done


Hooves fading into dust

Darker shadows

Dark earthy tones

Mid tones and highlights

Animals and water done. Final piece has riverbank detail.

For more information or pricing requests: art [at] embleton [dot] co [dot] za

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