2021 WorldCon-DisConIII: PANEL TRANSCRIPT – Words and Awards—Creating Visibility in Africa

Words and Awards—Creating Visibility in Africa Sunday 19th December This panel decided to talk about WORDS – terms used to describe what we do – and where we feel our work fits into. Plus highlighting new writers to keep an eye on. Mame Bougouma Diene, Dilman Dila, Mazi Nwonwu, Stephen Embleton TRANSCRIPT: All Mazi: Good afternoon, good morning. Good evening. Good afternoon afternoon, good morning, and good evening because people are watching online from all parts of the world. Good morning for somebody, he could after -- the afternoon for the other person. We come to this panel discussion on Africa. At the moment -- fiction from Africa. But aside from those who have made a big name from themselves, there are a multitude in Africa putting out work in the different genres. Today, we are going to look at the work and try to draw light and pay attention to them. In this conversation, I will be talking with a panel of established writers. Please introduce yourselves. I am a write...