The Sauúti Collective at Aké Festival 2022


Stephen, Cheryl Ntumy, Wole Talabi and Dare Segun Falowo

Four of us members of the Saúti Collective were invited to present the Sauútiverse at Ake Arts & Book Festival on Friday 25 November 2022. What a reception and great support from everyone in attendance and online!

With Wole Talabi steering the conversation and introducing our created shared world, Cheryl Ntumy, Dare Segun Falowo and I (Stephen Embleton) spoke about our experiences and the sound magic of the Sauúti Universe.

What an awesome panel event at Aké Festival and what a day it was, sharing The Sauúti Collective with everyone and the buzz afterwards 🔥⭐️🔥⭐️ 

Wole Talabi, Dare Segun Falowo, Cheryl Ntumy, and Stephen

Our Mother Creator (teaser) – The Sauúti Creation Myth

Watch the teaser to the The Sauúti Collective Creation Myth, which we kicked off with for our panel at Ake Arts & Book Festival.

Check out the full panel session on The Sauúti Collective from yesterday at Ake Arts & Book Festival A great experience all around and lovely support from everyone. ❤️💫

YouTube Video (sound issues early on)

Facebook Video

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