White Moonlight Black Night

In January 2020 I set out to do a double panel painting/illustration based on the White Moonlight illustration from August 2019. This time I wanted to include a black rhino.

Framed, finally!.

Technique and materials:
Gouache and Watercolour paint on gesso board (gesso primer as a textured background). This is then carried through using the rubaway technique – highlights are rubbed away and mid and dark tones added.

Completed 9 April 2020 during the Covid-19 lockdown.

For print-on-demand prints of these two panels visit my Zazzle store and Society6 store.

The final work measures 162cm x 51cm (each panel at 81cm x 51cm).

White Moonlight panel (white rhino)

Black Night panel (black rhino)

White rhino detail

White rhino detail

Baby black rhino detail

Black Rhino detail

Black Rhino detail


Check out the work in progress videos and photos:

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