Seating Spaces

I wanted to attempt a series of graphic ink illustrations featuring simple set ups of interesting chairs (from around our house) in their natural spaces.

Seating Spaces
To purchased prints and other variations of the artwork, check out my Society6 store or my Zazzle store pages.

I took a photo of the bay windows and the wooden chair (Friday 10th April 2020) as the template (centred layout) and angle.

From there I took reference images of the variety of furniture and set about composing each pairing – chair and background. I then selected the paper – 300gsm waterolour paper – and using a 0.3 and 0.5 fineliner pens.

I complete the first two on Saturday 11th April and the final three on Monday 13th April 2020.

Bay Windows





Below are some detail photos and work in progress:
Bay Windows detail

Bay Windows detail

Studio detail

Studio detail

Studio detail

Dining detail

Dining detail

Bedroom detail

Lounge detail

Lounge detail
Final touches on Studio


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