Bones & Runes: Translations and Proverbs

Below are various key passages from Bones & Runes containing either !Orakobab (Haiseb's dialogue), isiZulu or isiZulu Proverbs (Ulwazi), with their guide translations. “I keep getting this error message: Senqaba ukuhlonipha isicelo sakho. Lo mlayezo ubonakala iselelesi, noma labo abazama ukuthola imithombo evinjelwe ngaphandle kokugunyazwa. [We decline to honor your request. This message is seen by intruders, or those trying to access a restricted resource without authorization.] Seriously?” ********************** Mamlambo’s Foretelling: " Kunengxabano . There is a fight. ” " Umhlobo uhlangana nomunye . One friend meets another. " " Abahlobo bayaxabana . The friends are fighting. " " Nabaphansi bona bayaxabana. And the spirits below, they too are quarrelling. " " Abahlobo ababili bahlangana nomunye . Two friends meet another. " " Bese badelana bonke, omunye nomunye ahambe ngokwakhe, Then they abandon each other, each one goin...