Journal of a DNA Pirate

In 2010, after I had submitted the draft manuscript of a full length novel to a publisher, I decided to start Journal of a DNA Pirate as a means to continue writing - in any way possible. The objective was NOT to be bogged down by creating a story that had a known end or where I knew it needed to go. I just had to write from one end point to he next. The journal format worked for that purpose. Each time I came back to it I had to ask myself "What now?" And so I began. I stopped it in 2011 but had some ideas of where it was going. I had interest in my novel manuscript so I focused on that once again. Then in 2014, there was a call for submissions by Fox & Raven for their second Ravensmoot speculative fiction anthology - maximum 8,000 words. Journal of a DNA pirate fitted the bill. I just had to finish it off. So, for a few days I wrapped up what I had in mind and made the word count - 8,000 words exactly. I submitted it and waited. The long list was released 1 October 20...